Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Basement aka The Never Ending Project
Brandon & Julie's Reception
Touring DC-Day Two
The Library of Congress has a beautiful interior. The most magnificent room was undergoing some restoration, which was a little disappointing.
We saw an IMAX film at the Air & Space Museum about Fighter Pilots. That was right up the boys' alley. We browsed through the air & space craft before getting icecream and heading to the Spy Museum.
We did a walking tour of the Memorials. We got a bit of a shower at the beginning, but then it cleared up and we got a gorgeous double rainbow.
We didn't get as close to the White House as we could have, but did get a glimpse as we were headed to other destinations.
Our other stops on the walking tour included the World War II Memorial, Viet Nam Memorial and the Lincoln. We walked back a different path and saw the Korean War Memorial the World War I Memorial.
Touring DC-Day One
Everyone was very impressed with the "Changing of the Guard" ceremony at Arlington Cemetery.
We rode the glass elevator partially up the tower in the Old Post Office. Then we did quite a few flights of stairs to where the bells are located. From there is was another 90+ steps to the viewing balcony. It's a great way to see the city and get neat photos.
We hopped off at Union Station to see the fanciest Metro stop. There is an eatery and some swanky shops. We used the restroom and I bought some sunglasses, since I managed to break mine earlier in the day.
Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum was a big hit with the group. Here the kids are posed at the piano with Duke Ellington.
This is the exterior of the Peterson House. It is across the street from Ford's Theatre, where Lincoln was shot. He was taken to a room in this house for medical attention and died there a short time later.
Cousin Comes Calling
Father's Day
The boys made cranberry oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. The prepared fresh strawberries, blueberries and bananas for a delicious topping for the pancakes.
Grandpa & Grandma Holladay joined us for lunch on the patio. They brought crab legs and we supplied cucumber salad, tossed salad, corn on the cob and a brownie pizza.
Summer Job
This is the boys with their supervisor, Karen. The three of them get along well and make jokes through the morning to help pass the time.
Devin's Braces
Devin got his braces. He could hardly eat for almost a week because all of his teeth were so sore. They used what they call a "chain" on the sides of his mouth which pulls much harder and faster than just a wire.