Sunday, June 29, 2008

Touring DC-Day Two

We didn't arrive at the Capitol early enough in the day to get tour tickets, but it was neat just to see the outside.

The Library of Congress has a beautiful interior. The most magnificent room was undergoing some restoration, which was a little disappointing.

We saw an IMAX film at the Air & Space Museum about Fighter Pilots. That was right up the boys' alley. We browsed through the air & space craft before getting icecream and heading to the Spy Museum.

We did a walking tour of the Memorials. We got a bit of a shower at the beginning, but then it cleared up and we got a gorgeous double rainbow.

We didn't get as close to the White House as we could have, but did get a glimpse as we were headed to other destinations.

Our other stops on the walking tour included the World War II Memorial, Viet Nam Memorial and the Lincoln. We walked back a different path and saw the Korean War Memorial the World War I Memorial.

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