Friday, September 12, 2008


We spent a weekend on the Virginia/North Carolina border camping with the Hockaday family. Kurt & Christy have two little fellows, Caleb (5) and Daniel (1). Daniel was getting brave about the water and we had to remind him he needed a life jacket.

Our campsite was wooded and not far from the beach area or the bath house. This shot captures Dwayne cooking and Derrik playing his GameBoy.
We spent the days on an island in the middle of the lake or on a beach at the campground. We were enjoying ice cold watermelon after soaking up the sun for awhile.
Kurt & Christy brought their boat and a tube. Caleb & Devin are getting ready to take a ride. It's a bit bouncy, but great fun.
Rocky loves sand. He got hot enough to get in the water once or twice. The island is his favorite because he doesn't have to be leashed. We also like it , because it has great sand and is private (most of the time). A few jet skiers and a couple of boats dropped by for a little bit.

Kurt & Christy on their boat. It was a fun weekend, except for the scare with Caleb's asthma attack that landed us at the emergency room at about 12:30 a.m.
It also was the hottest at night that we've ever had camping. Usually we camp in the summer and it cools off enough to sleep. We waited until September so it would be even more tolerable for the Hockaday's and it was so hot that none of us could sleep. Go figure!

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